

Successful case of 
social media marketing
: Starbucks

In spite of the economic downturn, the cost of online marketing have increased. However, the special marketing channel, social media appear to us. 

Starbucks which started as a small coffee shop in 1971, Seattle is now one of the biggest  franchise coffee shop that has many fans.
However, in 2000, Starbucks faced risk of appearance of coffee that is cheap and has good quality.

However, Starbucks decided to approach the new marketing channel, social media and made social media team consist of 6 people. As a result, they had the highest degree of relation with customers considering social media area and sales have been up. 

   The first reason for success of Starbucks is that they thoroughly understand the various channel and each features of it.
They use facebook as a tool for communication
and use twitter as a place for mutual exchange of opinions.
In facebook, they not only provide news but provide opportunity to communicate with other people who love starbuck's coffee. In case of Twitter, they try to answer the question they've got from their customers as soon as possible.

Another point for explaining their success is that they always try something new. Trying something new always bring the risk but Starbucks didn't have any fear about it rather they thought they have to try something new to interact with their customers. For example, Starbucks allow people to share their videos with others. They thought they should allow it to make it shared with more and more people.

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