

2nd failure of Social Media Marketing:

TOMNTOMS is one of the famous franchise coffee shop in Korea. This company suffered a heavy blow due to the small mistake by their employee.

The problem was the mention on their official twitter saying that they pray for the repose of Jeongil kim's soul. This twit spread out through the other social media rapidly but TOMNTOMS took an immediate action not to be negatively affected by this mistake.
They posted a written apology with a picture of the manager making a respectful bow. 

After that, many people said that they could feel the sincerity of TOMNTOMS, seeing the picture of the manager and reading the written apology. 

TOMNTOMS could avoid greater risk by taking quick action for their mistakes.
If they just did like Nestle, they may have a hard time to get back their brand image.

Social Media can be the good tools for marketing but sometimes it could be a harm depending on the situations. So, every marketer should know the essence of social media and use them wisely.


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