

Successful case of 
social media marketing
: Starbucks

In spite of the economic downturn, the cost of online marketing have increased. However, the special marketing channel, social media appear to us. 

Starbucks which started as a small coffee shop in 1971, Seattle is now one of the biggest  franchise coffee shop that has many fans.
However, in 2000, Starbucks faced risk of appearance of coffee that is cheap and has good quality.

However, Starbucks decided to approach the new marketing channel, social media and made social media team consist of 6 people. As a result, they had the highest degree of relation with customers considering social media area and sales have been up. 

   The first reason for success of Starbucks is that they thoroughly understand the various channel and each features of it.
They use facebook as a tool for communication
and use twitter as a place for mutual exchange of opinions.
In facebook, they not only provide news but provide opportunity to communicate with other people who love starbuck's coffee. In case of Twitter, they try to answer the question they've got from their customers as soon as possible.

Another point for explaining their success is that they always try something new. Trying something new always bring the risk but Starbucks didn't have any fear about it rather they thought they have to try something new to interact with their customers. For example, Starbucks allow people to share their videos with others. They thought they should allow it to make it shared with more and more people.



2nd failure of Social Media Marketing:

TOMNTOMS is one of the famous franchise coffee shop in Korea. This company suffered a heavy blow due to the small mistake by their employee.

The problem was the mention on their official twitter saying that they pray for the repose of Jeongil kim's soul. This twit spread out through the other social media rapidly but TOMNTOMS took an immediate action not to be negatively affected by this mistake.
They posted a written apology with a picture of the manager making a respectful bow. 

After that, many people said that they could feel the sincerity of TOMNTOMS, seeing the picture of the manager and reading the written apology. 

TOMNTOMS could avoid greater risk by taking quick action for their mistakes.
If they just did like Nestle, they may have a hard time to get back their brand image.

Social Media can be the good tools for marketing but sometimes it could be a harm depending on the situations. So, every marketer should know the essence of social media and use them wisely.


Failure of Social Media Marketing:(
: Nestle

Nestle is "a Swiss multinational nutritional and health-related consumer goods company headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. It is the largest food company in the world measured by revenues. " (source: Wikipedia)

They started social media marketing like other companies and ran through it smoothly before Green Peace posted a video, "have a break?" on youtube channel.

The contents of the video posted by Green Peace included that many orangutan are being killed because of the deforestation for the import of palm oil. 
This video was disseminated through various kinds of social media and trigger people to have hostility toward Nestle.

However, they just took a measure of deleting the video
After seeing that action, many people started attack Nestle's facebook page in a rage, making comments about this video, criticizing their cruelty and raising a question about social responsibility of enterprises.

As a result, they failed to communication with customers and lost their trust, leading to decrease in the total sales.

After that controversy, Nestle changed the supplier for palm oil and try to show their efforts to keep environment through many social media channels. 


"Catch me, If you can"
Successful case of social media marketing: Levi's

There was a interesting event in Australia, 2009
This event named "Levi's iSpy" was held by Levi's which is quite familiar with many people as a premium jean brand.

Levi's planned this event hoping they could create boom of Levi's again because it's brand power has decreased gradually. 
Here is the short video introducing the event briefly.

For this event, they made twitter account, 
"iSpyLevi's®"(@iSpyLevis, https://twitter.com/ispylevis)

Then, they played kind of hide-and-seek games in Australia and New Zealand. 
Levi's located their models all over the area within those countries and made some twits telling their location using smartphone. That is, they gradually disclose their information, communicating with followers in-time.
Then, if a follower find model wearing Levi's jean and ask him/her "Are those Levi's?", model will take off that jeans and give that pants as a gift.

During this time, more than 300,000 people participated in the short-term event, and jeans of Levi's could get sales benefits by selling hundred pairs of jeans and also, about 1450 people newly decided to follow Levi's.

Moreover, they've got some good comments from foreign press or others; "A new way to use Twitter."(Hill & knowIton), "Totally addicted.", "It's just brilliant."(iscassar.blogspot.com),
"This campaign is genius."(2Threads), "Suddenly, Levi's looks cool.", "A cracker of a promotion."(Digital Tip), "Fabulous use of social media."(Cannizzaro)

With this event using social media, they could get back their reputation again.

It was quite impressive try
because it attempted to combine the basic concept of social media with game.


Enjoy in-time communication with your friends!:D
successful case of social media marketing:

Do you usually go shopping alone or friends?
Maybe many people seem to go shopping with others
because they want to hear other's opinions or get some advice about their fashion.

   Considering this kind of natural needs of people, 
DIESEL tried new types of marketing strategy using facebook.
   To be specific, they installed the camera inside the fitting room named "DIESEL CAM" and encourage people to take a picture of themselves trying some new clothes. 
Then, people can upload their photos on the DIESEL's facebook page 
and share them with others.
    Since people could be naturally exposed to the brand "DIESEL" by seeing the pictures that their friends posted on facebook, 
DIESEL could raise brand awareness in a natural way.

DIESEL could get benefits from social media marketing
because they found out potential needs of customers and satisfied them.

During my research for this blogging, I strongly felt that the most important thing in success of social media marketing is a active communication with their customers.


Mission: Make customers participate in the event!
- successful case of Social Media Marketing

IKEA is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds, chairs, desks, appliances and home accessories. 
They are known for its modern architectural designs on various types of appliance and furniture, often associated with a simplified eco-friendly interior design.
(Source: Wikipedia) 

IKEA started special events using facebook 
when they opened new store in Malmo, Sweden, to promote it. 
They uploaded some photos of a showroom on their facebook page and 
announced that they will offer the real furniture to person who first tagged his/her name on the item posted on their facebook showroom. 
Here is an Youtube video showing this event specifically!

People eagerly participate in that event to get stylish furniture of IKEA. This kind of event that was different from common event of encouraging people to make comments or just to click the "Like" button.
People could take part in the event in person by making a link and tagging their names. 
People using facebook made these events more and more popular by sharing it. 

Even after the event, customers wanted to see more pictures of various products through facebook and IKEA could get advertising effects without spending money. 

IKEA could succeed by making people participate in the event actively. 
These days, many company having a facebook page and tried similar events which people don't have interests anymore. 
Therefore, It is time for many companies to develop a creative strategy to attract new customers. 


Naked Pizza

2nd successful case of social media marketing: 
Naked Pizza

 It was the Naked pizza 
who first started order and delivering system using social media, especially twitter.

Naked pizza is a takeout and delivery restaurant with a mission 
to make an unhealthy and popular fast food healthier, more nutritious and better tasting. 
They wanted to share their these precious value with more customers.

Originally, they used the direct mail to communicate and promote their products. However, it not only costs a lot, but did little to contribute to customer acquisition and retention. 
After noticing that this kind of one-sided marketing is no more effective, Jeff and his co-founder decided to try new way of marketing: Using Twitter!
They made twitter account for communicating: talk about their products with their customers and make them spread out through twitter.

As one of this strategy, they wrote down their twitter account instead of phone number on a signboard.
Surprisingly, using new marketing concept of " Twitter: follow us for specials",
the sales of naked pizza increased by 20 percent and now they have about 20000 followers and 69% of the total sales came from customers who stated they made an order through twitter.

Above this, the impact of twitter for Naked Pizza is quite great:
▶They added a kiosk in the store inviting customers to sign up for a twitter account and follow them on twitter.

▶Tracking twitter is so important to Naked Pizza that they have added a button in the point of sale system to make it easy for employees to track.

(source: Twitter for business case study: Naked Pizza by Alan Underkofler on September 9, 2009)


KLM Surprise

1st successful case of social media marketing 
: KLM Airlines

 How many times did you travel by airplane? Have you ever heard about the airline company named KLM? This company make customers have a good image about their company by using social media marketing, especially Twitter. 

"KLM Surprise :D"

This campaign started after KLM noticed that many people kill their time doing their smartphone during waiting time at the airport. With this information, they decided to focus more on marketing using social media and they tried to make their customers surprised based on the customer information posted on their twitter.

One day, 
one of the KLM Airlines personnel saw the man killing his free time doing his twitter and gave the surprising gift, cool application to him. It was the starting point of the campaign of "KLM Surprise"

After that, KLM Airlines continued to check the twitter regularly and provided customized service for their customers. This efforts contributed KLM Airlines greatly by making people have a positive image for KLM. That's because they succeed to give an impression to their customers by communicating them effectively through social media and trying to providing special service for them. Many people consider this strategy is one of successful case of social media marketing.

Here is the youtube video posted by KLM introducing their service, "KLM Surprising"
Why don't you try KLM airlines if you have a plan to travel abroad?


The new coinage, "Socialtainer"

Definition of Socialtainer

Socialtainer= compound word of "Society"+ "Entertainer"

  Socialtainer refers to the entertainer who express their opinions about social issues. This is totally different from Politainer. Politainer is a person  who was a entertainer before they become politician or stand up and be counted certain candidate during election time.

   However, nowadays, this new coinage, socialtainer extends its meaning to refer to people who are entertainers trying to communicate actively with public through social media such as facebook or twitter.
   In case of Korea, Je-dong Kim(MC), Hyo-lee Lee(Singer), Yeo-jin Kim(Actress) are the representatives of socialtainer.

 (Source: encyclopedia of Naver)

Positive Roles of Socialtainer

   At the last mayoral election of Seoul city and general election, we could see the power of socialtainers. On the day of election, many socialtainers uploaded some photos of themselves standing in front of the polling place, encouraging people to exercise the right to vote. It definitely contributed to the increase in turnout of young generation who are using their social media actively.

   Plus, the famous singer, Hyo-lee Lee, made some posts about social problems such as adopting abandoned dog and low participation related to volunteer work through her twitter. Many people could recognize the seriousness of that problem by seeing her twit. It definitely positively affected our society.